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MediaCore Video CMS is an open source media focused content management system. It features: video & audio support, YouTube & Vimeo integration, podcasting, iTunes RSS generation, user-submitted content, embedded media player, wysiwyg editor, search, and is highly customizable. There is both a front-end for users and a back-end for administrators. It is built upon TurboGears, SQLAlchemy, MYSQL and runs with Apache, FastCGI or Mod_WSGI.


MediaCore requires a Linux or Unix server that runs Python 2.5.x and MySQL 5.0.x or newer. It should also be noted GCC must be installed and available on the $PATH for certain required Python packages to install properly. Additional requirements can be found on the MediaCore website.


The following is a list of some of the major features in Mediacore:

* Users can browse videos or podcasts
* Users can search for videos by topics and tags
* Users can upload videos to the platform, administrators can moderate newly uploaded videos
* Administrators can add video, audio, or podcasts
* Comment platform and moderation is built-in
* Podcasts can be video or audio
* Automatic iTunes podcast generation
* Automatic RSS generation
* Feedburner support
